Community A- Z
A thriving community of creative and accomplished people from around the world

Students Community
Organized Student Groups
Students are connected
Computer Education and Training Center (CETC)
To improve this situation, IUBAT University established a Computer Education and Training Center (CETC) in 1991. The CETC is geared towards developing a healthy computer culture and promote information technology.
Center for Policy Research (CPR)
The above perspective led to the establishment of a Center for Policy Research (CPR) with active support and involvement of the Simon Fraser University (SFU), Vancouver, Canada.
Consultancy Training Research and Publication Division (CTRPD)
To provide effective coordination among the following specialized centers, the Consultancy Training Research and Publication Division (CTRPD)has been established in January 2014.
Counseling and Guidance Centre (CGC)
The university established a Counseling and Guidance Centre under a qualified psychologist to provide counseling and guidance services to IUBAT students and personnel.
Center for Technology Research Training and Consultancy( CTRTC)
Centre for Technology Research Training and Consultancy (CTRTC) was formed in the beginning of 1997. The present position and strength of the Centre are such that it is able to deliver consultancy services for almost any project of any magnitude.
As an institution committed to quality professional education of international standard, IUBAT University emphasizes English as the medium of communication as well as of education.
Center for Global Environmental Culture (CGEC)
the Centre for Global Environmental Culture (CGEC) was established in 1999 for influencing local, national, regional and international decisions.
Health And Population Center (HPC)
The Health and Population Center (HPC) is an unit specifically created for developing manpower and the generation of knowledge in the area of health and population sectors.
South Asia Disaster Management Center (SADMC)
Disaster Management at present is a crying need of South Asia. Devastating floods, tidal bores, cyclones, earthquakes, epidemics, civil strife and the like events have become a part of life of the people living in this region.
Gap Year Opportunity
“General Overview”
IUBAT is now providing the unique opportunity of teaching English as a second language to Bangladeshi students. With this course you will not only teach English, but have the chance to interact with the local culture and experience things that you would have never dreamt of.


Bangladesh National Cadet Corps (BNCC) is a voluntary organization and second grade defense force run under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education simultaneously.
It may be mentioned that BNCC of IUBAT has become the second platoon of a private university in Bangladesh and Prof Dr. M Alimullah Miyan, Founder of IUBAT, inaugurated the IUBAT BNCC in 2016.
To provide effective coordination among the following specialized centers, the CTRPD has been established in January 2014.
Educate diverse analytical abilities, management perspectives and professional skills leading to augmentation of leadership aptitude.
Educate diverse analytical abilities, management perspectives and professional skills leading to augmentation of leadership aptitude.
Teach in Bangladesh
IUBAT’s culture of collaboration drives innovative discoveries in areas vital to our world, our health and our intellectual life.

Ever wondered what it would be like to teach in a Third World, developing country?
Have you ever mulled over the idea of a working vacation where you can give of yourself and your expertise to those who could really benefit from it?
Are you an altruist interested in lending a helping hand so that others might achieve a decent standard of education and a promise of a better standard of living for themselves and others?

IITS Society
University level study requires much independent reading and research on the part of the student. Read More…

IRC-IUBAT Robotics Club
IUBAT Robotics Club (IRC) is a club of engineering disciplined students which has initiated from fall semester-2015. Read More…

Debating Forum of IUBAT
Rich learning experiences that provide a broad liberal arts foundation and deep subject-area expertise. Read More…
WWOOF Bangladesh
WWOOF Bangladesh is a totally new initiative with its seeds going back to 2008 with the visit of John Vanden Heuvel from WWOOF Canada to the IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology in Dhaka. In February 2010, the seed is ripe for germination. Dr Mohammed Ataur Rahman is very knowledgeable about the organic farming scene in Bangladesh and will be the main contact with the full support of Professor Dr M Alimullah Miyan, Founder and Vice Chancellor of IUBAT University. The WWOOF Bangladesh headquarters will be established here. John Vanden Heuvel (from WWOOF Canada) is the guiding person to bring WWOOF Bangladesh into its reality.