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Vice Chancellor participated in the International Conference on Management 4.0: Readiness and Strategy

Prof. Dr. AbdurRab, Vice Chancellor of IUBAT, participated in the CPM: Management Conference 2019 in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 30 October 2019. He addressed the session on Transformational Leadership Strategy in Management 4.0 as a Panelist and participated in the question and answer session also. He upheld the view that historically management has kept pace with every stage of industrial revolution and, it is ready to cope with the greater challenges of Industry4.0 by devising innovative strategy and enhancing managerial competence. Reputed management academics of SAARC countries and Malaysia, academics, management practitioners and professionals from corporate sector of Sri Lanka attended the conference.  The conference was organized by the Institute of Certified Professional Managers of Sri Lanka and it was inaugurated by the Speaker of the Sri Lanka who was also the Chief Guest of the event.