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IUBAT Career Festival 2024: Over 100 Companies Offer Opportunities for Young Professionals

The International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) hosted its highly anticipated Career Festival 2024 on Thursday, February 24, 2024, at its campus in Uttara, Dhaka. Aimed at connecting aspiring job seekers with leading national and multinational companies, the event proved to be a resounding success, drawing participants from all corners of the country.

Kicking off at 10 am with an energetic opening ceremony, the event welcomed distinguished guests including Professor Selina Nargis, Treasurer of IUBAT; Professor Dr. Md. Lutfar Rahman, Registrar;  Brig Gen Dr Md Zahid Hossain (Retd) Controller of Examinations;  AKM Sarfuddin, Director of IUBAT Placement and Alumni Office; along with esteemed faculty members and representatives from various employers.

With a staggering turnout of over 100 organizations, the Career Festival presented many opportunities for eager job seekers, boasting over 800 vacancies across diverse sectors. Aspiring professionals had the chance to engage directly with recruiters, gaining valuable insights into the skills and qualifications sought by top employers.

Eight companies conducted walk-in interviews, offering on-the-spot job placements to enthusiastic candidates. The organizing committee assured that the remaining institutions are committed to expeditiously completing their recruitment processes, providing further avenues for employment.

Dr. M. Alimullah Miyan, the esteemed educationist and founder of IUBAT 1991, envisioned the university as a hub for cultivating skilled human resources in Bangladesh. The university’s commitment to this vision is evident through initiatives like the Career Festival, which plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between academia and industry.

At the closing ceremony, Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman and Treasurer Professor Selina Nargis expressed gratitude to the participating organizations for their invaluable contribution to the event. Crests were presented to all participating organizations as a token of appreciation for their dedication to nurturing the next generation of talent.

The IUBAT Career Festival 2024 is a testament to the university’s ongoing commitment to fostering a dynamic ecosystem where students can thrive and succeed in their chosen careers.