This is to inform you all that tele-psychotherapy and online psychotherapy service is available for every respected member of IUBAT community (Students, Faculties and all other Employees) from the very beginning of COVID-19 pandemic situation as a part of coping …
The written part of Comprehensive Examination of Summer 2020 of IUBAT— International University of Business Agriculture and Technology will be held on September 30, 2020 at 10:00 am through Online. Students who have fulfilled the requirements for appearing at Comprehensive Examination of Summer 2020 are required to …
Students qualified for Internship Program of Fall 2020 are advised to submit their application with the following documents to the respective Department Administrative Officer(AO) latest by September 22, 2020 through e-mail. Application for Practicum Placement Letter List of Courses with …
The English Language Competency Test of Summer 2020 will be held as per the following schedule: October 01, 2020 at 10:00 AM for 2 hour All eligible students are required to appear at the test. Passing grade in ELCT is …
Exam Conflict File Summer 2020 Examination Schedule (MBA) Final Examination Schedule Summer 2020
IUBAT will remain closed on 15th August 2020 on account of National Mourning Day. The National Flag will be hoisted at half-mast at IUBAT and a discussion meeting will be held online at 4.00 pm on the day to commemorate …
IUBAT will observe the 45th death anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a National Mourning Day in a befitting manner. The program has been chalked out in the following manner. 1. Flag hoisting half mast …
In addition to merit scholarships, IUBAT has some scholarships which are awarded every semester on the basis of merit-cum-need. For SUMMER Semester 2020, applications are invited from meritorious but needy students of 2nd semester and onward for award. Application mail …
BAEcon schedule Summer 2020(Oral Part) BATHM schedule Summer 2020 (Oral Part) BSAg schedule Summer 2020 (Oral Part) BCSE schedule Summer 2020 (Oral Part) BSEEE Schedule Summer 2020 (Oral Part) BSCE Schedule Summer 2020 (Oral Part) BSME Schedule Summer 2020 (Oral …
Your Summer Semester of 2020 will be from July 2020 to October 2020. Your Course offering will start from June 27, 2020 at 11.00 AM. Your Class Schedule of Summer 2020 given below: Class Schedule Summer 2020 Freshmen Class Schedule …