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Seminar on “Transition from Campus to Corporate – An Emerging Market Perspective”

IUBAT College of Business Administration (CBA) organized a seminar on “Transition from Campus to Corporate – An Emerging Market Perspective” on Tuesday (August 1, 2023) from 11.15 am to 12.30 pm. The seminar was conducted by Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Associate Professor, and the University of LincoIn, UK. Dr Rahman is an Academic Adviser to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK. As an adviser, Dr. Rahman is representing UK Higher Education to Commonwealth countries; he is also playing a critical role in the selection of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows.

In his discussion on “Transition from Campus to Corporate – An Emerging Market Perspective,” he shared his thoughts and experiences with the audience. Prof. Rahman also answered different questions asked by the participants. Mr. Shaikh S. A Waliullah, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of MBA, Mr. Hasanuzzaman Tushar, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of BBA, faculty members, and a very good number of senior students from CBA attended the seminar. Ms. Nayma Iftakhar, Assistant Professor, and Ms. Taslima Khatun, Senior Lecturer of CBA were the conveners of the seminar.