Institutes & Centers
A wide and diverse range of opportunities of research for both students
and teachers in knowledge creation for a better world to live in.

Research Institutes
Research Centers
BDT 20 Million
Annual Research Budget
Miyan Research Institute

About Miyan Research Institute
Creation of knowledge through research has been given equal importance in the mission of IUBAT and to achieve this goal, the university has established Miyan Research Institute after the name of Prof. Dr. M. Alimullah Miyan, Founder Vice-Chancellor, IUBAT.

The objectives of the Miyan Research Institute are to encourage faculty members and students in research and create a group of dedicated researchers who would be pivotal in engaging themselves in providing professional services in their specialized areas alongside their academic career development.

Governance & Management
The members of the committee includes Chairman of the Center, Pro Vice Chancellor, Treasurer, a member from the BoT, a Dean/ Chair and an external accomplished researcher.
The IUBAT Institute of SDG Studies (IISS) was launched on 24 April 2019 for influencing global policies and local, national, regional and international decisions on SDGs issues through cutting edge research and offering comprehensive professional development programs in sustainability and environmental management that help to improve human capacity of private voluntary agencies, local governments and international organizations. The institute has been set up to develop competent human resources to manage the implementation of the challenging Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It offers training and educational programs, undertakes research, provides consultancy services and runs model projects for this purpose. IISS has got environmentalists, experts, scientific researchers on SDG issues and is contributing to Education, Action Research, Training & Implementing 17 global goals in different topographies in Bangladesh. It hosts Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) Greater Dhaka under United Nations University–UNU, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). IUBAT got UN Flagship and Good Practice award for spreading environmental education in three consecutive years (2012, 2013 and 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018).
The mission would be to actualize the SGDs by competent human resource development and research initiatives for crucial target areas including Zero Hunger, Sustainable Agriculture, Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation and Climate Change. The mission will be realized by training, education, research and consultancy.
The Vision of the institute would be to advance Bangladesh in achieving SDGs for re- achieving the historical state of self-reliant Sonar Bangla or Golden Bengal with holistic sustainability by 2030
IIEC fosters research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship through Community, Workshops, and Events.
IUBAT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (IIEC) organizes Intra University competitions to discover students’ ingenious ideas and project solutions. Our target is to give them proper support and guideline through the Innovation Incubator Lab. They will get hands-on experience from the idea generation to develop a business model. This center facilitates the students to participate in various national competitions and exhibitions. The IIEC also encourages them to find a national and international platform for funding and collaboration. Students are offered seminars, webinars, and sort courses to gain updated knowledge and training.
IUBAT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (IIEC) will encourage the students to come up with brilliant innovative ideas and guide them towards a successful business model with that ideas. In addition, IIEC will also help students get local patents for innovative products that can also fulfill the SDG requirement.
RCE Greater Dhaka
Bangladesh is a tropical monsoon country in South Asian Region. It is a funnel shaped deltaic floodplain of the Ganges, Brahmanputra, Meghna, Karnofuli, Shangu and Matamuhuri rivers meets to the Bay of Bengal. The northern and eastern Boundaries are the hills of eastern Himalayas and Arakan and Lusai ranges respectively.
The RCE Greater Dhaka facilitates collaboration to research, develop and promote Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship, so that is central to the emergence of a sustainable megacity and coastal zone. The vision of the RCE Greater Dhaka is to tackle the problems identified in the key ESD challenges in the region and contribute to the promotion of Education for Sustainable Development both locally, regionally and globally. The RCE’s ultimate vision is to engage all city dwellers as well as the people of the coastal zone of Bangladesh in lifelong learning and effective change of sustainable ways of being, living, working and acting. It is envisioned that the RCE Greater Dhaka will serve as an example of good practice to other regions facing similar sustainability challenges and issues and contribute to the goals set by the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
- Respect, value and preserve the achievements of the past. Appreciate the wonders and the peoples of the Earth
- Live in a world where all people have sufficient food for a healthy and productive life
- Assess, care for and restore the state of our planet
- Create and enjoy a better, safer, more just world be caring citizens who exercise their rights and responsibilities locally, nationally and globally.
RCE Greater Dhaka’s Belief is to educate individuals and communities to make aware of environmental facts, moral development, practices to implement individually, then to friends and family and then zonal and regionally.

IUBAT Review
The IUBAT Review is a multidisciplinary academic jounal that the editors intend to publish annually.

Research Monographs
IUBAT has published a number of scholarly and distinguished research monographs.

Conference Proceedings
IUBAT, as a part of knowledge creation and knowledge sharing, encourages all forms of initiatives.