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Faculty Development Program Workshop held at IUBAT

As a part of the regular Faculty Development Program (FDP) of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), a daylong Faculty Orientation was organized for its faculty members on Monday, December 27, 2021 for the Spring 2022 semester at the permanent campus of the university in Uttara. The orientation emphasized on teaching ethics, quality of education, teaching methods and methodology, administration and use of IT, OBE curriculum and Moodle systems.

The speakers were Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Abdur Rab, Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Hamida Akhtar Begum, Treasurer and Head of FDP Prof Selina Nargis, Registrar Prof. M Lutfar Rahman, Controller of Examinations Brig Gen Dr Md Zahid Hossain (Retd), Engineering Dean Prof Dr. Md. Dr. Monirul Islam, Associate Prof. & Additional Director IQAC Dr. Rajib Lochan Das, and other professors.

The daylong program was concluded at 4:30 PM with exuberance and optimisms for better education and continuous improvement.