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Showing 211-220 of 228 results
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MoU Singing IUBAT and Putra Business School (UPM)

October 4, 2019
The College of Business Administration (CBA) and International Program Office of IUBAT organized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on Monday, 30 September 2019 in the Seminar Hall at the University between College of Business Administration (CBA) of IUBAT …
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Seminar on Digital Marketing held at IUBAT

October 2, 2019
The College of Business Administration (CBA) and International Program Office of IUBAT organized a seminar on “Digital Marketing –Current Status and Future Prospect” on 30 September 2019 in the Seminar Hall at the University. Prof Dr Zulkornain Yusop, President and …
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IUBAT Held SDG Resource Persons Orientation Session

September 25, 2019
IUBAT Institute of SDGs Studies (IISS) has the vision to advance Bangladesh in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through education, training and research activities. The Institute works in coordination with the Curtin University of Sustainability Policy (CUSP), Perth, Australia. The …
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82nd Orientation of IUBAT Fall 2019

September 23, 2019
The 82nd orientation for freshmen of Fall-2019 of the International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) was held on Thursday 19 September 2019,at the permanent campus of IUBAT at Uttara. This is a regular program of the University which …
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IUBAT signs MoU with Genex Infosys Limited

September 23, 2019
Prof. M Lutfar Rahman, Registrar, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) and Head of People & Culture of Genex Infosys Limited Minarul Islam signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation between the two organizations on September 12, …
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Two students selected for Study in Japan

September 17, 2019
Congratulation to two students, Sadman Sakib and Nayeem Jahangir, from the Department of EEE for receiving scholarships in Japan as part of our exchange program with the University of Hyogo. Both of them are dynamic and studious students and hungry …

Interactive session with Dr Muhammad Zafar Iqbal

September 15, 2019
Computer Science and Engineering Department of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) organized an interactive session. The session took place at the open auditorium of IUBAT permanent campus on 12th September. Students attended the program with immense interest …
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Initiation Program for Fall-2019 Students Held at IUBAT

September 9, 2019
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) warmly received freshmen of fall 2019 through an initiation program held on Wednesday September 4, 2019 in the Open Auditorium of the university. During the Initiation Program, the Freshmen and Faculty members introduced …

IUBAT Observed National Mourning Day 2019

August 29, 2019

IUBAT Observed National Mourning Day 2019 IUBAT observed the 44th Death Anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Mourning Day with due solemnity on 15 August 2019. The program was started by hoisting …