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CAS Iftar and Doa Mahfil 2022

The College of Agricultural Science (CAS) of IUBAT organized an Iftar and Doa Mahfil on Wednesday, April 06, 2022, at 05:45 pm at the IUBAT Open Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. Abdur Rab, Vice Chancellor was present as Chief Guest of the Iftar and Doa Mahfil. Prof. Dr M A Hannan, Chair, Prof. Dr. Farjana Sultana, Associate Professor and Coordinator, faculty members, alumni, faculty members of other departments and representatives of different offices were present in the program.

A special Doa was offered right before the Iftar by the Imam of IUBAT Mosque for the departed soul of Late Prof. Dr. M Alimullah Miyan, Founder of IUBAT and late Prof. Mahmuda Khanum, Former Pro-Vice Chancellor of IUBAT, the wellbeing of university, Management and overall betterment of the university.