Communication ability is considered one of the most effective skills the employers look for among the 21st century graduates. As a human resource, the graduates can optimize the use of their skills and expertise only when they can make fruitful interaction. English is undoubtedly the most useful language of communication across the globe. To facilitate and enhance the English language competence and performance, IUBAT offers four English courses that cover both the productive and receptive skills: Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading. Besides, it has established an English Learning Center to provide the learners a language lab environment where students become familiar with the tools and technologies that can be integrated and used in Language Learning. The center is well equipped with modern technologies that are often used to facilitate better learning. There are computers along with sound device, digital learning materials, and online connectivity for each student in order to enhance language learning process. The class size is small, so the course instructors can effectively involve the learners in interactive learning activities. The materials used here have been developed by the faculties of Department of Languages. The core objective of this learning center is to provide students the opportunities to convert their communicative competence into communicative performance. The testing and assessment type make the students familiar with the testing standards of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).