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MoU with IUBAT CBA and GSIS, Ajou University, South Korea

IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology of College of Business Administration (CBA) and  Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), School of Business, Ajou University, South Korea signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on July 6, 2024, at IUBAT conference room to formally establish their collaboration. In signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Assoc Prof Dr Mozaffar   Alam Chowdhury, Dean, CBA of IUBAT and  Prfof Dr. Byeong-Yun Chang, Ajou University on behalf of their respective institutions, emphasized their shared commitment to achieving academic excellence through cooperative efforts.

In brief, Prof. Selina Nargis focused on the history and achievements of IUBAT, while the Vice-Chancellor highlighted the internationalization of IUBAT through collaboration, exchange of students, joint research, and accepting international students in bachelors and masters programs.

Professor Dr. Abdur Rab, Vice-Chancellor of IUBAT, Prof Selina Nargis, Treasurer and Director Administration, Dr M Lutfar Rahman, Registrar, Brig Gen Dr Md Zahid Hossain (Retd), Controller of Examinations, Mr Shaikh Sabbir Ahmed Waliullah, Coordinator, MBA,  Dr Hasanuzzaman Tushar, Coordinator, BBA  and Mr Md Sadekul Islam,  Proctor and Deputy Director of the International Office; on the other side Ms. Younghwa(Diane) Kangwere, Associate Director and Md Torikul Islam, PhD Student from GSIS, Ajou University, South Korea were also attended the meeting.