Miyan Research Institute

Message from the Chair
I am delighted to know that IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology has founded Miyan research institute, after the name of its founder Vice-Chancellor. The Institute opened formally from 1 January 2019 and I would express my gratitude that the university has appointed me as its first Chairman. As I understand, Miyan Research Institute is supposed to organize the research activity of the university including undergraduate research. On behalf of the Institute, I seek cooperation from the faculties and students for a successful period of research output. …Prof Dr Abul Khair.
Miyan Research Institute is responsible for initiating, organizing, supporting and coordinating institutional as well faculty research on behalf of the university.
Established in 1991, IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology is the first conceived Non-Government University in Bangladesh. The overall mission of IUBAT is human resources development through appropriate teaching, training and guidance as well as creation of knowledge conducive to socio-economic development of developing societies in general and that of Bangladesh in particular.
As mentioned above, creation of knowledge through research has been given equal importance in the mission of IUBAT and to achieve this mission, the university has established Miyan Research Institute. The mission of the Institute is to encourage and promote short, medium and long term research works with potentials to generate, validate, refine, up-scale and adopt new ideas and technologies for providing research grants and technical supports to the potential researchers of the university. The Institute headed by the Chairman and Director is guided by an executive committee.
The objectives of Miyan Research Institute are to encourage faculty members and students in research and create a group of dedicated researchers who would be pivotal in engaging themselves in providing professional services in their specialized areas alongside their academic career development. The Center induces research oriented mindset of the faculties and students of the university so that an environment and culture of research is created, maintained and promoted. The long term objective of the center is to contribute to the national development by conducting problem oriented and need based researches.
Governance & Management
The Institute is governed by a committee named Miyan Research Institute Executive Committee with the Vice Chancellor as the Chairman. The members of the Committee includes Chairman of the Center, Pro Vice Chancellor, Treasurer, a member from the BoT, a Dean/Chair and an external accomplished researcher. The Chairman is supposed to perform the overall Management of the center. The Chairman of the center reports to the Vice Chancellor. The Board of Trustees (BoT) shall be apprised of performance of the center from time to time.
Research Areas
- Agriculture and Bio Diversity
- Basic and Applied Science
- Business and Management
- Environment and Sustainability
- Engineering and Technology
- Health and Nutrition
- Knowledge Based Area Development (KBAD)
- Social Science and Anthropology
- Outreach Programs ( such as agricultural farms , advisory services etc)
- Other Areas(as and when identified)
Services & Resources
Miyan Research Institute offers the following services and resources to aid in research.
- Faculty members and Student’s Research Grant
- Enhancement of research skills through workshops on research methodology
- Guidance to faculty members in regard to proposal writing, research report, paper writing, and fund hunting
- Improvement of the quality of faculty publications
- Ensuring the originality of research work
- Notification of funding opportunities to faculty members
- Refraining the faculty members from publishing their works in predatory journals
The Executive Committee, EC
- Prof Dr Abdur Rab, Vice-Chancellor. Chair Of EC
- Prof Dr Hamida Akhter Begum, Pro Vice-Chancellor
- Prof Ms Selina Nargis, Treasurer And Director Administration
- Prof Dr KM Sultanul Aziz, Distinguished Professor
- Ms Shireen P Huq, Member, Board of Trustee
- Prof Dr Abul Khair, Chair, Miyan Research Institute and Dean of CAAS
- Prof Dr Monirul Islam, Dean, CEAT
- Prof Dr Shahidullah Miah, Dean, College of Agriculture
- Associate Prof Dr Sajal Saha, Director, Miyan Research Institute
Specialized Centers for Research
- South Asian Disaster Management Center (SADMC)
- Computer Education and Training Centre (CETC)
- Health and Population Center (HPC)
- Center for Management Development (CMD)
- Center for Technology Research Training And Consultancy (CTRTC)
- English Language Center (ELC)
- Center for Policy Research (CPR)
- Center for Global Environmental Culture (CGEC)
- Consultancy Training Research and Publication Division
Research Projects Funding Policy
From the research fund provided in annual budget of IUBAT, an amount of Tk. 1,00,000 may be granted for a research project submitted by a faculty individually or in group but depending upon the requirement of the project the fund may be increased based on the justification presented in the proposal. The grant is meant for meeting expenditures for conducting experiments, carrying out survey, data collection and analysis, travel and conveyances for field work, printing and binding report, etc. Financial support will be provided to faculty members to register and attend conferences and seminars, publish research monographs and training for research.
- Offers sparks of insights for best practices and facilitate innovation, creative activity, invention and the application and dissemination of existing and new knowledge.
- Conducts training programs for researchers. Organizes institutional, national and international research seminars and conferences.
- Organizes seminars, symposium, workshop, congress, conferences, and group discussion by its own personnel, local resource person or guests invited from outside. Topics are chosen on the basis of interests shown by IUBAT faculties, student groups on current and contemporary issues of national and international perspective. More..