The written part of Comprehensive Examination of Spring 2021 of IUBAT— International University of Business Agriculture and Technology will be held on May 28, 2021 at 9:00am through Online. Students who have fulfilled the requirements for appearing at Comprehensive Examination of Spring 2021 are required to submit …
The English Language Competency Test of Spring 2021 will be held as per the following schedule: Written on May 17, 2021 at 10:00 AM for 2 hour Viva/oral part on May 18, 2021 ( 9:00am to 5:00pm) All eligible students are …
Students qualified for the Internship Program of Summer2021 are advised to submit their application with the following documents to the respective Department Administrative Officer(AO) latest by May 05, 2021, through e-mail also fill-up the form in the link Application …
Ramadan Freshmen Class Schedule of Spring 2021 Ramadan MBA Class Schedule of Spring 2021 Ramadan Class Schedule of Spring 2021 (All)
Confirm your internship organization detail information’s as following points: Name of the organization where you are doing Internship in Spring 2021 Address of the organization with phone # and e-mail address Name and designation of the supervisor at practicum organization …
Here is the link to join as a cadet in IUBAT BNCC Platoon
Dear Convocation (March 2019) Graduates: It has been announced that those who are yet to draw the security deposit and original certificate, please collect it latest by July 09, 2021 from IUBAT. If you are unable to collect the same …
Students will have to be vaccinated before the university opens. Hence we will have to provide a list of students to the Ministry. Therefore, all students are advised to fill-in the form at . Prof Md Lutfar Rahman Registrar
BSAg practicum Defense Schedule of Fall 2020