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Academic Rules effective from the beginning of Spring 2024

1. Credit hours of courses with ‘F’ grades will not be counted in the calculation of SGPA and CGPA
2. “I” grades will be awarded and removed as per the existing procedures.
3. No “I” grade will be awarded in the mid-term examinations. In case of absence due to
acceptable reasons, make-up exams will be held centrally.
4. Passing CGPA for graduation will be a minimum of 2.50.
5. Passing Grades in Thesis and Practicum will be ‘B-‘ (Minus)
6. Passing Grade in Comprehensive Examination will be Satisfactory (“Satisfactory” is equal to or
above 45% marks). Only the students passing in Written Comprehensive are allowed to sit for
Viva. Students must pass the written exam and Viva separately.
7. Passing grades in Core, Elective, Departmental and English courses will be ‘C’ (Plain)
8. Improvement Examinations:
a. Students who have earned ‘F’ grades in a course but have completed all other
requirements of the course and have 80% or above class attendance and attended all the exams will be allowed to
sit for Improvement Examinations. Such students will not attend classes or sit for other
exams of the course. Improvement is allowed only for the Final Examination.
b. Students earning “D” grade in the courses in which the passing grade is ‘C’ but have
completed all other requirements of the courses and have 80% or above class
attendance will be allowed to sit for Improvement Examinations. Such students will not
attend classes or sit for other exams of the course. Improvement is allowed only for the
Final Examination.
c. Highest grade for improvement examination will be ‘B+’ (B Plus).
d. Improvement examination will be held after ‘I’ removal examination. Students earning
‘F’ grade in ‘I’ removal will be allowed to sit for centrally arranged Improvement
e. Students failing to secure passing grade in Improvement Examinations will retake the
f. Improvement Examination Fee will be Tk. 4,000/- (four thousand) per course.
g. Students earning “F” grades in a course with below 80% class attendance and
incomplete class activities will retake the course as per existing procedures.
h. Students securing below ‘B’ (Plain) grade in a course will be allowed to improve CGPA by
retaking the course.

9. Maximum duration for completion of graduation (Bachelor degrees) will be 7 (seven) years.
10. The mark distribution for the courses will be as follows:

Mark distribution for Lab/Sessional/Drawing/Workshop will be determined by respective departments.
11. Once a course is taken student must pass the course even if by retaking the course.