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Alumni Office  

We, the Alumni of the IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, develop mutual interest among ourselves, establish mutually beneficial relations between the IUBAT and its Alumni, and promote the interests of IUBAT do hereby form ourselves into an Association and adopt this constitution.

Graduates of IUBAT enjoy unparalleled benefits, resources, and access through the IUBAT Alumni Association. As a former student, you’re automatically a member whether you attended all activities of Alumni Association .Parents, families, and friends of alumni are also part of the community and are encouraged to take advantage of Alumni Association benefits and opportunities for engagement through events, volunteering, and giving.



We, the Alumni of the IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, develop mutual interest among ourselves, establish mutually beneficial relations between the IUBAT University and its Alumni, and promote the interests of IUBAT University, do hereby form into an Association and adopt this constitution.

Article I: Name

Sec 1: This Association shall be known as the “IUBAT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION”, the abbreviation of which shall be IUBATAA.

Article II: Objectives


The objectives of IUBATAA are:

  1. To exchange ideas among the members of the association and thereby share each other’s experiences, and to each member for keeping touch with his fellow members, the Association and the university.
  2. To establish and maintain a good relation among the university, association and the organizations where the members serve,
  3. To support and cooperate with the university in research and case writing projects.
  4. To contribute effectively to the long-term progress of the university in any lawful manner, voluntarily or as and when requested by the university.
  5. Facilitate in compiling and publishing of “Resume Book” for the Job Seekers.
  6. To make effort for suitable employment opportunities for the members.
  7. To promote sports and other cultural activities among the members.
  8. To undertake social and voluntary services for national interest.
  9. To heighten the image of the university.
  10. Partnership with Alumnus to implement mutually benefited projects/research/ studies.
  11. To make any lawful course of action not specified in this constitution but which is considered helpful for furthering of the objectives of the association for the greater interest of the members.

Article III: Membership, Duties and Privileges of Members

Sec 1: Holders of Graduation and Masters Degree from IUBAT (International University of Business Agriculture and Technology) are eligible to become the member of the IUBAT Alumni Association.

Sec 2: Membership of the Association shall be of four kinds– Life Member, Regular Member and Affiliated Member and Honorary Member.

Sec 3: Life Membership shall be open to all holders of any academic title or degree/diploma/certificate awarded by the IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology.

Sec 4: Regular Membership shall be open to all holders of any academic title or degree/diploma/certificate awarded by the IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology.

Sec 5: Honorary Membership shall be open to any person who had or has direct relation with IUBAT University or IUBATAA and has rendered meritorious services to IUBAT or to the Association.

Sec 6: Affiliated Membership shall be open to all holders of diplomas and certificates offered by IUBAT who voluntarily apply for membership.

Sec 7: Duties of Regular and Affiliated Members. A Regular and Affiliated Member shall:

  1. a) Pay the membership subscription of Tk 500 as annual fee to enroll as general member and Tk 5,000 for enrollment as Life Member of IUBATAA and or any other dues as approved by the Board of Managers.
  2. b) Affiliate himself/herself with any particular college or campus or chapter alumni association of his/her choice
  3. c) Furnish the Executive Secretary and the Secretary-Treasurer of his/her chapter his/her mailing address, other relevant information and promptly notify them of any change thereof.

Sec 8: Rights and Privileges of a Life, Regular and Affiliated Member. A regular and affiliated member shall:

  1. vote for any office in the college, campus or chapter to which s/he belongs or of the Association
  2. receive all the publications of the Association.
  3. May be elected to any office in the college, campus or chapter to which s/he belongs or of the Association, subject to restriction specification Article V.1.

Article IV: Board of Managers

Sec 1: The corporate powers and management of the Association shall be exercised, administered and controlled by a Board of Managers which shall consist of the following members: President, Executive Secretary, Finance Secretary, Auditing Secretary, Business Secretary, Press Secretary and representatives of colleges, campus or chapters.

Sec 2: Representation of colleges, campus or chapters shall be apportioned as follows:
Regular Memberships of Colleges, Campus or Chapters Number of Representatives

10-59- 1, 60-89-2 and 90 or more- 3

The apportionment shall exclude those members who are already officials of the Board of Managers.

Sec 3: The President of a college, campus or chapter shall automatically become one of the representatives unless s/he designated a member of his/her chapter to take his/her place. The remaining number of representatives from a colleges, campus or chapter which is entitled to more than one representative shall be appointed by the colleges, campus or chapter.

Article V: Executive Committee

Sec 1: An Executive Committee shall be formed to:

  1. Transact business for the Association in accordance with the policy set forth by the Board of Managers.
  2. Act as the advisory panel to the Board of Managers.

Sec 2: The Executive Committee shall consist of the Executive Secretary, the Finance Secretary, the Auditing Secretary, the Business Secretary, and the Press Secretary. The President shall serve as ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

Sec 3: The Executive Committee shall report to the Board of Managers.

Article VI: Officers and Elections

Sec 1: The officers of the Association shall be classified into two categories: elected and appointed. The offices of the President and the Executive Secretary shall be filled by election and only degree/diploma holders of IUBAT University shall qualify to be elected to these positions. The offices of the Finance Secretary, the Auditing Secretary, the Business Secretary, and the Press Secretary shall be filled by appointment. The appointments shall be made by the President-elect through the recommendation of the Executive Secretary-elect.

  1. Any Regular Member may be nominated to any office of the Association, subject to provision of Sec 2: Article V. Nomination shall be made by any member of the Board of Managers.
  2. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each post shall be declared elected.
  3. The manner of voting shall be by postal ballot and a Balloting Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Managers at the completion of the nomination. The Balloting Committee shall consist of at least three members residing in Bangladesh who must not be the nominated candidates for election; at least one member of the Committee must be an employee of IUBAT who shall serve as Returning Officer for the ballots.

Sec 2Qualifications for the Office:

  1. All officers must be Regular Members of the Association.
  2. The Executive Secretary, in order to ensure the expeditious and efficient functioning of the association and to foster close relationship and effective cooperation between the Association and the Administration, and the Student Body of IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology must be resident of Dhaka, Bangladesh. S/he shall hold regular office at the IUBAT Alumni Office at the IUBAT the official domicile of the Association

Sec 3: Duties and Responsibilities of the Office bearers:

  1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Managers and shall be chief executive of the Association. S/he shall appoint all committee, except as herein otherwise provided upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Executive Secretary shall assume immediately the duties of the President in the event of the latter’s resignation, incapacity or death. If the unexpired term exceeds three months the Board of Managers shall elect immediately a new President from the candidates nominated by the Executive Committee.
  3. The Executive Secretary shall attend all meetings, prepare the business thereof and keep a record of all proceedings. In collaboration with the President, s/he shall serve as the connecting link between the Board of Managers and Executive Committee, between the Board of Managers and/or Executive Committee and the Alumni, and between the Association and the IUBAT authorities. S/he shall hold office in IUBAT. S/he shall be in close contact with all alumni and components pass out to them all necessary information about IUBAT and alumni activities, subject to the supervision and control of the President. S/he shall keep in his/her office, alumni rosters arranged alphabetically with all pertinent data such as year of graduation, status, activities, achievements, residence, etc. which must be kept up to date. S/he shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and s/he shall be empowered to call a special meeting of the Executive Committee.
  4. In the event of resignation, death or incapacity of the Executive Secretary, the President shall appoint a new Executive Secretary to serve the unexpired term.
  5. The Finance Secretary shall keep a complete record of the accounts of the Association and shall submit detailed report of receipts and expenditures of the Association during the Annual Meetings and may be requested to do so in writing at any time by the Board of Managers or the President. S/he shall prepare the Annual Budget of the Association and submit it to the Executive Committee for approval. S/he shall perform such other duties which may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Managers. His/her book must be open to inspection during office hours by any member of the Association.
  6. The Auditing Secretary shall scrutinize carefully all expenditures and shall endeavor to secure economy in the disbursement of funds. S/he shall recommend to the Board of Managers necessary measures to safeguard its funds. S/he shall audit all funds and properties of the Association.
  7. The Business Secretary shall be responsible for the business transactions of the Association.
  8. The Press Secretary shall from time to time issue press release regarding the activities of the Association and its components in IUBAT Newsletter, local and metropolitan papers, radio and other print and electronic media of information. S/he shall serve as Editor of any publication of the Association.

Sec 4: Election of Officers

  1. There shall be selection/election of officers for the elective positions of the Board of Managers for every two years. Any officer may be nominated for or eligible for re-election for two consecutive terms only.

Sec 5: The officers shall hold office for 2 (two) years from the date the official results are declared and installation is held.

Article VII: College, Campus, Chapter Organizations (entities)

Sec 1: Ten or more Regular Members of the IUBAT Alumni Association may organize themselves into a college, campus or chapter subject to the approval of the Executive Committee to which requests in writing should be submitted explaining the need for a new entity and defining its proposed membership. No entities may be established without the approval of the Executive Committee.

Sec 2: Each entity shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Auditor, and Press Relations Officer (or Press Secretary). They shall perform the usual duties pertaining to their office. Their tenure of office shall be decided by the respective entities. The election of the first set of officers of an entity shall be conducted by the central Association.

Sec 3: The Secretary-Treasurer shall report immediately the names of the officers of the entities after each election to the Executive Secretary. S/he shall also submit a complete list of names and addresses and other relevant information of his/her entity’s members at least twice a year. S/he shall notify the Executive Secretary of any changes in this information.

Sec 4: Each entity may adopt by-laws suited to its needs provided these are not contrary to the expressed provisions of this constitution.

Sec 5: Each entity shall be named after the college, campus, country or locality in which it is organized.

Article VIII: Meetings

Sec 1:  The meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) shall be held at least 6 (six) times a year.

Sec 2: The Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers of the Association shall be held at a time determined by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Board of Managers.

Sec 3: A Special Meeting may be convened at the request of the Executive Committee or on the petition of one-half of the members of the Board of Managers

Sec 4: The Executive Committee shall meet at the request of either the President, or Executive Secretary or on petition of two other members of the Executive Committee. (I thinks this section is to be replace by new Section 1)

Article IX: Quorum

Sec 1: At any meeting of the Board of Managers, regularly and properly called, a quorum shall be:

  1. fifty percent of the entities and b) at least three members of the Executive Committee

Sec 2 At any meeting of the Executive Committee, regularly and properly called, at least three members present shall constitute a quorum.

Article X: Impeachments and Dismissals

Sec 1: Any elective or appointive officer may be removed or suspended from the office by two-thirds vote of all members of the Board of Managers. Such removal or suspension may be made on any of the following grounds: inefficiency, abuse of office, disloyalty to the Association, gross misconduct, immorality and other grounds which the Board of Managers may deem sufficient, provided that every opportunity shall be afforded the accused officer to defend himself/herself.

Sec 2: Membership of a regular member may be withdrawn or suspended by the Board of Managers through the recommendation of his/her entity.

Articles XI: Procedures

Sec 1 To meet temporary conditions or emergencies, By-laws may be adopted at any regularly called meeting of the Board of Managers.

Sec 2 The Robert Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of any meeting, unless otherwise agreed upon by those present.

Sec 3 The order of business during a regular meeting of the Board of Managers shall be as follows:

  1. a) Call to order
  2. b) Apologies for absence
  3. c) Read and approve the minutes of the previous meeting
  4. d) Unfinished business
  5. e) Report of Committees
  6. f) New business
  7. g) Adjournment

Sect 4: Procedures for the amendment of this constitution shall be as follows:

  1. Proposals to amend this constitution may be made by the Board of Managers. The Executive Secretary shall send copies of the proposed amendments together with the ballots to all Regular Members within one month after endorsement of the Board of Managers
  2. All the proposed amendments shall be ratified by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the total number of ballots cast by Regular Members.

Sec 7: An Honorary Member shall be entitled to receive all the publications of the Association.

Sec 8: An Affiliated Member shall be entitled to receive all the publications of the Association.

Alumni Career Services

  1. a. Get Hired:IUBAT Alumni Association organizes job fair in the university premise where the potential graduates get the opportunity to be employed by different companies who come here and recruit employees on the spot or later. There are opportunities to face the job recruitment viva with many employers at the same time and to get recruited. If you are a graduate of IUBAT, you can surely take this opportunity.

b.Career Coaching and Mentoring Programs: To make the graduates and postgraduates aware of the pros and cons of different jobs, employers’ requirements and to build a strong rapport with the employers, IUBATAA provides a platform both for the students and employers where both can interact. It invites the Executive Managers and Human Resource Managers of different companies to come here to a) conduct sessions where they talk about the skills the graduates must nurture to qualify a job and b) create a positive impression about the graduates. Students are supposed to register to join such interactive sessions. The established alumni also conduct such sessions to facilitate the convenient recruitment of their younger. Students can be familiar with the effective career paths and the strategies they should adopt to find an easy recruitment. The career mentors, either the alumni or the executives, play a great role here by guiding the job seekers about the skills required in real-world job context and thus, they increase the confidence of the potential graduates.

  1. Resources: In any job communication, either oral or written, the applicants need a number of resources to produce appropriate documents in job interviews. Alumni Office supports the graduates in such cases by organizing sessions on different themes like ‘Writing Effective Job Application’, ‘Preparing a Good Resume or CV’,  and ‘Strategies Job Interview’, ‘Preparing Effective Portfolio’. It also provides the sample of effective cover letter, Resume, CV, book chapters, etc.

d.Hire Top Talent: The unemployed graduates need jobs; on the other hand recruiting organizations need employers. If they want employers from IUBAT, they can contact the Alumni Office and ask for the list of potential graduates who they will interview later. In such cases, Alumni Office schedules job interviews.

e.Graduate and Undergraduate Recruitment: The students can get employment opportunities both during their study and after the completion of their graduation. During the study, the students can work as Teaching Assistant at IUBAT. For that they have to attend a written and oral test. As a Teaching Assistant, they are supposed to serve the fellow students in terms of guiding their study and solving their academic problems. The quality graduates can get recruited as Administrative Staffs. The graduates who are highly qualified and have passion for teaching may apply for the teaching positions as well.

  1. Job Placement Opportunities. Each department has their own Alumni Association which also provides information on employment opportunities to the unemployed alumni and to the soon-to-be graduates. Research says many companies do not advertise their vacancies; rather they recruit people through internal communication. In such cases, the current students can also go a long way in locating good number of job opportunities by the help or guidance of the Alumni who are already working in different companies.  As the Alumni have working experience in different organizations, they can provide valuable insights into the culture and practices exist in various professions, industries, and individual companies.