Prof. Dr. M Alimullah Miyan

IUBAT Founder Dr. Miyan Scholarship

About Prof. Dr. M. Alimullah Miyan

Prof. Dr. M. Alimullah Miyan, born on 15 February 1942 in Comilla, Bangladesh, was a visionary and the pioneer of non-government universities in Bangladesh. He established IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology in 1991 as the first non-government university in Bangladesh. This paved the way for the establishment of over 100 private universities in Bangladesh with over 15,000 teachers and 400,000 students.

Despite challenges in early life as an orphan, Dr. Miyan was very focused and relentlessly committed to achieving outstanding results in everything he did. His commitment to achieving academic excellence is evident throughout his scholastic journey. He secured second place in his BCom and the first position in his MCom at Dhaka University. He graduated with distinction in his MBA from Indiana University, USA. He earned his PhD from Manchester Business School, UK with a full scholarship and was able to complete activities of doctoral study well ahead of the deadline. Dr. Miyan is an example of how an individual can achieve remarkable success, maintain a visionary outlook, and excel in a professional career without anyone in the family to support.

Dr Miyan’s distinguished and varied academic career has included the positions of Vice-Chancellor at IUBAT, Director and Professor at Dhaka University’s Institute of Business Administration, and Founder Chairman of the Centre for Population Management and Research (CPMR), also at Dhaka University. Dr Miyan served as President of IUBAT upon its founding in 1991 before moving into his role of Vice-Chancellor in 1994.

Dr Miyan is the author of 46 academic articles and is the author/co-author of 15 books on a wide range of topics related to the promotion of business, sustainable development, education, development, and disaster management in Bangladesh, social safety (pension), climate change, family planning, industrial relations, energy policy and the like.

Dr Miyan was also involved in numerous research and consultancy projects and he participated in many conferences, seminars, and workshops around the world.

Dr Miyan was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Labor and Social Security Law in Geneva, Switzerland, Founding Executive Member of the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) and President of Rotary Club of Greater Dhaka.

He has studied in the United States, and Great Britain, worked in Nigeria for a semester and has visited 41 countries as part of his academic activities and in pursuit of excellence for his beloved country.

About IUBAT Founder Dr. Miyan Scholarship

Founder Miyan Scholarship is created in memory of Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan to implement his vision of producing at least one professional graduate from each village of Bangladesh under Knowledge Based Area Development: A Step Towards Community Self-Reliance (KBAD). IUBAT's theme is Higher Education for Every Qualified Person with Finance for Meritorious but Needy.

Congruent with the vision of Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan and the theme of the university, IUBAT provides full free studentship under IUBAT Founder Dr. Miyan Scholarship.

This is an extraordinarily merit-based, the most prestigious scholarship offered by the university in memory of its founder Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan who founded IUBAT in 1991 as the first non-government university in Bangladesh and was the first Vice-Chancellor of the university.

The scholarship is open for meritorious students from all districts of Bangladesh to study in any discipline at IUBAT. The awardees are selected based on SSC and HSC (or equivalent) exam results as well as scores in the admission test at IUBAT.

Scholarship Details


Apply for Scholarship

Conditions for Scholarship

Awardees must comply with the rules and regulations of the university. Education must be completed within 4 years. Awardees must maintain scholarly results during their study at IUBAT.


International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) is one of the leading private universities in Bangladesh, maintaining a conscientious focus on social development across the country by providing higher education to those who cannot afford it otherwise. The university focuses on social equity, justice, and gender equality, while maintaining its high standards of education and research in a world-class campus. More Details


The movement for the establishment of private universities in Bangladesh began with the proposal for establishment of IUBAT in 1989. The working paper for this was drawn by eminent academician Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan, at the time Professor and Director, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka. He submitted the proposal to the Government of Bangladesh on July 27, 1989, for the establishment of IUBAT, and founded IUBAT in 1991. Since the submission of the proposal and establishment of IUBAT, Professor Miyan lobbied with the government to provide enabling legislation for private universities. Eventually, in 1992, the National Parliament passed the Private University Law, 1992. The law paved the way for the establishment of over 100 private universities. Currently, about two-thirds of students in higher education institutions in the country attend private universities. More Details


The overall mission of IUBAT is human resources development through quality education fostering the creation of knowledge conducive to socio-agro-economic advancement of developing societies in general and of Bangladesh in particular. This overall mission is being attained through outcome-based education curriculum, quality teaching, change adaptation, internationalization and equity in access by all groups, and promotion of scholasticism through research and application of knowledge in different subject areas.


The vision of the university is to produce at least one professional graduate from each village/mohalla under the concept of Knowledge Based Area Development (KBAD): A Step Towards Community Self-Reliance for social mobility and professionalization of Bangladesh society through higher education accessible to all qualified men and women. So far, IUBAT has students and graduates from all 64 Districts, from 540 out of 550 Upazilas (sub-districts) of Bangladesh. Over 13,000 students from 544 Upazilas have already graduated from the university.

Degrees Offered

The university offers Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public Health (MPH), MSc in Computer Science and Engineering, MSc in Civil Engineering (MSc in CE) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE), Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE), Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME), Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BSEEE), Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSAg), Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Hospitality Management (BATHM), Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BAEcon) and Bachelor of Arts in English (BAEng).


IUBAT is known for its commitment to quality education, research, and sustainability. IUBAT has established itself as a leading institution of higher education in the country. Over the years, the university has received several rankings and recognitions from prestigious organizations, highlighting its achievements and position as a leading institution of higher education in the region.

Major Affiliations and Recognition

IUBAT is recognized nationally and globally through membership, recognition, and affiliations with a good number of scholarly bodies, academic networks, affiliating organizations as well as global directories. The international stature of the university achieved great heights through academic cooperation with over one hundred institutions in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, Asia, and Africa. IUBAT graduates can pursue higher education in any university in the world. Some of the salient institutions of IUBAT accreditation and affiliations are listed below:

Campus and Learning Atmosphere